Turns out my adrenal glands, and the hormones they produce, dominate my metabolic systems. My life-long weight issues stem directly from the hormonal insanity that results internally. Cortisol, the stress hormone, plays a huge part in how my body functions, so I must proceed wisely.
The great news: My weight issues are primarily hormone based.
The bad news: Adrenal issues make weight loss extremely challenging.
Adrenal Body Symptoms
For many years, I suffered the symptoms of an adrenal body and adrenal fatigue without knowing what caused these problems. When switching to a carnivorous way of eating last July, I quickly felt my symptoms diminish and disappear.
Over the past few months through poor dietary choices, some issues re-appeared. Fortunately, I woke up to my self-created harm before it got too late.
Long-Term Symptoms
- Pendulous abdomen – protruding and hanging/sagging over the pubic region
- Low back pain
- Pain in the right shoulder – mostly when sleeping
- Knee pain
- Sluggish mornings – usually dependent on caffeine
- Afternoon fatigue – to the point where if I stopped and lied down for a minute I would fall asleep for hours and remain sluggish after
- Tired after eating later in the day (afternoon and beyond)
- Poor sleep – frequently waking up between 2 am and 4 am unable to go back to sleep – consistent with higher stress day leading up
- Night sweats – regularly
- Stressed and over-active thinking – dwelling and worry – most commonly when trying to sleep
- Forgetfulness
- Low tolerance to certain stressors – generally family or other relationships
- Always thirsty despite sufficient water/liquid intake
- Overactive bladder
- Swollen belly/bloating
- Indigestion
- Acne breakouts
- Excessive hair – face/chest
- Poor vision
- Cold feet and hands
- Hair loss/breakage
- Ridged fingernails
On strict carnivore with minimal physical activity, all but poor vision, cold feet/hands, hair loss/breakage, and ridged fingernails virtually disappeared.
I suffer from all of these again, but I’ll admit in lower severity. When it comes to facial/chest hair and poor vision, I assume those require medical procedure to fix. My chiropractor treats much of my back issues physically, but I know food does most of the pain relief work.
Adrenal Focus Starting Metrics
Comparing to my last carnivore update on 4/9/19, I saw minor increases across all of my measurements. Considering I ate carbs and did not make the best choices on some days, I am pleased that I did not set myself back too far.
As of starting my adrenal focused regimen on Wednesday, September 25th, I weigh 221 pounds on my home scale. My old scale shows me at 211 lbs; I used this scale on previous weigh-ins. So, to be clear, I gained 21 lbs from my lowest point over a 9 month period in which I consumed fruits, vegetables, and some grains.
And, I measure at:
Female, 34 | 9/25/19 |
Waist at BB | 46 |
Hips | 41.5 |
Bicep | 11.5 |
Forearm | 10.5 |
Neck | 16 |
Thigh | 26 |
Calf | 15.5 |
Chest | 39 |
For now, I must stay positive and keep working toward my goal of being healthy and fit. I must accept that it won’t be easy or quick. Also, I must remember I did damage to myself and my adrenal glands in the past. But I will remember that I can overcome anything.
My Initial Steps
As I mentioned in a previous post, I need to care for myself. I need to limit
My workouts will slowly build in intensity so I can ensure that I do not overly stress myself internally. I never want to see my heart rate over 160 beats per minute ever again. Also, I do not wish to be beet red in the face for hours post-workout.
When it comes to food, I will make better choices – for me; this means following a meat-based way of eating. This way of eating works for me, so I recommend you find what works for you. However, to reset my body, I will first complete a 48-hour water fast. I completed two other water fasts in the past for more extended periods. They help me on a mental and emotional level and I plan to enjoy a fast at least once per year going forward.
Eliminating things I know cause me harm mentally, physically, and emotionally is paramount to everything else.

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