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Experiences Over Things – Adding Real Value

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Approx. Reading Time: 3 minutes

What does the average person waste money on? Experiences or the latest tech, new outfits, and overpriced housing? For the few, they spend primarily on the former, while most waste their money on the latter.

The Common Experiences of Living Paycheck to Paycheck

We spend more than we make and it, too often, feels as if we barely “get by.” Whether this equates to bare minimums to survive or compensating for our over-stressful jobs and lives, in other cases, we never dealt with the debt accumulated in our earlier, more frivolous years. As a result, we live paycheck to paycheck since a good portion of the bills are interest and fees.

Missing Experiences because of Wasteful Purchases

We purchase extended warranties we never use, and to be fair; we should realize that the technology becomes outdated before the original warranty date, so why would we want it replaced with obsolete tech? Then, the fine print often denies eligibility anyway.

Miscellaneous fines and fees, whether it be a speeding ticket, a bank fee, or whatever. Optional insurances on things like car rentals and travel. As a society, we love brand names, luxury items, food waste, beverages besides water, dining out, convenience (food and in general), overpaying for coffee, keeping devices plugged in when not in use, or, even worse, left running.

We waste money on disposable consumables, lottery tickets, cable, house phones, duplicate cell phones, unused memberships, unclaimed rebates, and impulse purchases.

Socially Influenced Debt and Poverty

We end up in debt due to social influences like overvaluing college and degrees that don’t pay off. Or, keeping up with the Jones’ and the Kardashian’s. Also, overconsumption and overpaying for mediocre products and services that steal from our financial resources.

Too many items decrease your mental health while increasing stress and add to the work and effort necessary to accomplish things. Possessions create distractions. We take care of “things” that don’t matter. Obstacles that suck time and increase worrying. Especially on high priced items, dwelling over potential problems that have not happened yet. We worry about them being stolen, broken, or damaged.

Creating Better Experiences

Decide what happiness means to you – results and fewer regrets. Listen to that inner voice telling you to go for it, not the one holding you back. If you aren’t sure of your purpose or passions, try new things which can help you define what your purpose and passion are.

Experiences such as a hike, a live sporting event or concert, a beach day, or even a weekend trip offer lasting memories, more mental clarity, and enhanced peace of mind. None of these add to household clutter. Picking up an old hobby or instrument brings you back to a simpler time. Maybe, take it to the next level and work your way through that bucket list.

Items do not make for good conversation. But, with experiences, you meet new people and find new perspectives. You also receive life lessons and begin to understand cultural differences. All of which leads to a greater sense of gratitude and, ultimately, to increased happiness.

Experiences enhance your individuality. Unlike possessions which are harder to feature compare. Feature comparing can create envy and lead to others making upgrade purchases wasting even more money.

DirtyWindshield Wants To Hear From You!

Do you find yourself spending more money on experiences or possessions? In either case, do you feel those expenditures add or take away from your life? We would love to hear your thoughts, please share in the comments below or email us at emails@dirtywindshield.com.

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