Cheating Yourself- No Magic Pills or Short Cuts

Cheating Yourself – Magic Pills & Short Cuts

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Approx. Reading Time: 4 minutes

Are we addicted to instant gratification? Are we perpetually cheating the formerly common wait times of life?

Perpetually Cheating with Technology Sets Our Diet Mindset Up To Fail

The average person owns a car or has decent access to transportation, so at a moment’s notice, they can leave for their destination. Our phones entertain, allow us to self-educate, and streamline the activities of everyday life. Even businesses and television stations run 24 hours per day to suit the needs of all. While online outlets offer overnight delivery, and the Post Office now delivers on Sunday.

However, when it comes to health and weight control, no overnight solution exists.

Unfortunately, those earlier mentioned perks of being alive in the present day destroy our tolerance for suffering while shortening our patience. Due to this, fewer people master skills despite having better access than at any time in known history.

When it comes to health and well-being, we start a diet or an exercise routine, a few days (or hours) later, no changes?!?! We throw our arms in the air and quit never considering the time it took to get out of shape.

Health, physical well-being, and a healthy weight all require long-term dedication and consistency. 

Cheating Yourself with Magic Pills (and Supplements)

I’ve been overweight most of my life. Despite being the most active and least sugar-addicted child in my family, I consistently maintained a higher weight. As I grew into adulthood, the deceptive weight loss pill market sucked me in. Honestly, I tried several usually for a couple of doses then forgot about it. However, done repeatedly with each trend, this behavior gets expensive.

About 6 or 7 years ago, I stopped this trend realizing it was only worsening my condition. Over the following years, my health drastically improved and my waistline slimmed. Therefore, I determined that chemically enhancing my body created no benefit.

Healthy, whole foods helped prep my body for the next level of healing. For a while, I forgot supplements existed. Recently, I am noticing them in advertisements again. People take exogenous ketones to confuse their body to think they didn’t eat carbs.

What is happening with those carbohydrates? How do we know these products do not harm long-term? Confusing internal body processes does not seem like a good idea, in my opinion.

No person has the power to have everything they want, but it is in their power not to want what they don’t have, and to cheerfully put to good use what they do have.


Cheating Your Tastebuds

Most people follow the Standard American Diet, aptly abbreviated as S.A.D., resulting in an unhealthy, overweight nation. For some, the diet has no obvious outward effect. For others, no matter how much they restrict their calories they fail to lose weight. I can say as someone who has tried many diets, calorie variations, and workout schedules; what you eat matters far more than the amount. 

The S.A.D. diet left me sick, fat, tired, angry, hungry, etc. the list goes on and on. I could barely taste my food, which drove me to consume extra or includes condiments and artificial flavorings. That time feels like the distant past; it has been years since I’ve eaten that way.  

Processed foods filled with sugars, salts, and chemicals that artificially enhance flavors compose much of the average American diet. Our tastebuds get sabotaged regularly. As a result, in time, we no longer recognize the authentic taste of food. Over time, fortunately, our tastebuds heal and cleanse themselves with proper eating choices.

Over the years, as I changed my way of eating I noticed the dramatic change in how foods taste. Whole foods and meats once tasted bland, but now I genuinely find them mouth-wateringly delicious. Additionally, I realized that those foods that I formerly thought were delicious now taste too strong and leave an aftertaste. I eat delicious meat that nourishes me and pleases my tongue while healing my body. A much more simple approach.

Cheating Yourself With Unrealistic Expectations

It is nearly impossible to go a single day without exposure to advertisements. Nothing works for everyone, but sometimes the product or service is a scam. We live in a world of quick fixes and convenience. What a luxurious and abundant time to be alive!

So often, we hear the fantastic stories of success but overlook the struggles and defeats. We see the progress of others, but do not comprehend what efforts they made. Often, we ignore the journey we, ourselves, had in getting to our current state. Reversing or changing that course takes time too.

If someone promised you overnight success, they lied to you. Overnight successes happen after years of hard work and often multiple failures.

Setting proper and realistic expectations creates an environment for success. From weight loss to financial goals, this same idea holds. You won’t ever meet unrealistic expectations, so they guarantee failure. Life will throw obstacles in, setbacks, and plateaus. When they happen, acknowledge it and move forward. Everything takes time. Keep going!

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