Transform from mediocre to elite featured image - focus

Transform From Mediocre To Elite

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Approx. Reading Time: 3 minutes

Have you ever wondered how Tom Brady became the greatest quarterback in NFL history? Or how Jeff Bezos turned an online bookstore into a home delivery retail empire? How is it that a few people rise to elite status, while the majority in the same field remain mediocre?

Are the elite truly superior? Or do they simply have a trick up their sleeve?

In most cases, being elite has little to do with talent. Talent comes with time, practice, and consistency. In other words, all are capable of attaining talent.

So what separates the elite group from the rest?

The answer is simple – Focus. Every decision and action made by the elite focuses on the long-term goal. The elite say “no” to anything that does not support their success. They understand that counterproductive measures result in a total that is less than the sum of its parts.

For example, to be the best athlete, you must turn down things that are unhealthy, unproductive, and irrelevant. The food you eat fuels your next workout. Your workout fuels your next match. Your match fuels your desire to continue.

Inspired by the Elite

Before he was known as Flip Gordon or the Mercenary, I knew him as Travis.

Travis recently left his home state of Montana to chase his dream of becoming a professional wrestler. As a result, he ended up in Massachusetts and in the first-week orientation and training class that I covered for my department after the corporate trainer suddenly departed the company without notice.

Standing Out

Had I not covered that training session, Travis would have been let go. He honestly did not fit the company or position for which he was hired. And I would not have had the honor of meeting and knowing him personally.

Now, the company we worked for is in no way related to professional wrestling and tends to breed more mediocre than elite humans. But, Travis stood out, and, well, some things happen for a reason.

In class, Travis played the role of a clown. He entertained and disrupted nearly constantly, but his charm and enthusiasm earned him multiple chances and my belief that he could move on to a permanent position within the company. Ultimately, I went to bat for him with management, insisting he deserved the job despite his behavior.

Relentless Focus

When it came to his job, I’ll admit Travis excelled at mediocrity. He consistently did what it took to get by.

He would humbly remind me; he was “just a kid from Montana with a dream of professional wrestling.”

However, when it came to wrestling, Travis didn’t miss a beat. He drove hours each night after work to practice with top coaches in the area. Every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, he took every available to wrestle no matter how much travel was necessary or how little sleep would result.

Through all of this, he stayed on top of building his following and fan base. He promoted his merchandise and brand while working his ass off to be on top of his game.

I remember going to a local VFW, a small high school, and a medium-sized theater to see him perform. Now, he travels the world and is featured on TV and in magazines.

Over time, Travis taught me more than I could ever teach him. He showed me the true meaning of passion, purpose, and also the value of never-ending focus. To this day, Travis inspires me. He may not be a household name yet, but he certainly is elite and a model for the benefits of deep focus.

Mainstream Mediocrity

In the present day, life pulls us in any number of directions. We are on the receiving end of millions of other people’s messages.

When we come up with an idea, all too often, it becomes minimized, rationalized, and over-analyzed out of existence. We feel obligated to follow the status quo. We work harder, not smarter resulting in burnout, failure, and giving up.

Our dreams fade out of reach because we put so much energy into “getting by.”

We expect motivation to come before we act. That isn’t how things work. Action creates motivation. Seeing ourselves one step closer to our dream motivates the next step to activate.

The artist who procrastinates by thinking what to do next will never master the art. The elite artist who focuses on their craft will not waste time wondering; they take the next step.

Be the elite

Maybe you’ve heard the phrase: “Jack-of-all-trades, master of none.” Perhaps, you’ve proudly touted that title. I know I have. But, the truth is right there, loud and proud. You can’t master anything if you desire to be good at everything.

All in all, you hold the power to transform from mediocre to elite. You pick the destination and forge the path to getting there. Stay focused and take each moment as it comes, never letting the goal out of sight.



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Featured Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

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