A quick stop at the Hoover Dam (hours of operation) on the way to Arizona.
- 11:55 am Visited the Hoover Dam
- 1:30 pm Entered Arizona
- 5:30 pm Reached our destination of Flagstaff Arizona
Our Adventure:
Our trip today started off with no specific plans other than getting to Arizona. As we left Henderson and headed south, we saw a sign of the Hoover Dam, and we decided to make a pit stop.
Lake Mead

As we approached Hoover Dam, we drove by Lake Mead which was a stark contrast from the rest of the Nevada landscape. Lake Mead is simply gorgeous as you approach it. Further approaching the Hoover Dam, you reach where the time zone changes from Pacific to Mountain time and the state changes from Nevada to Arizona. There is a quick safety check stop then you can drive right across the top of the Dam.
- There is paid parking close to where all of the action is, but a short drive passed you will find free parking.
There is paid parking close to where all of the action is, but a short drive passed you will find free parking.
Today there were a lot of supercars and various types of motorcycles visiting for an added bonus.
Hoover Dam
The first thing you notice as you drive along the path are these two massive statutes that kind of have an Egyptian vibe. I’m going to research these a bit further after vacation and add some information. Next, you see that there is a lot of brass or gold plating on doors and signs in the area. Overall, you realize that the building of this Dam was a massive undertaking.
Size and Scale
The sheer size and scale of the Dam must be seen to be appreciated. The Hoover Dam was constructed over the course of four years in the sweltering desert heat. It is said that dozens of men died during the building suffering from heat-related issues.

So many Benefit From the Hoover Dam
The Hoover Dam is very important to not only the SouthWest but the entire United States. Since it’s completion in the 1930s, the electricity generated at this Dam provides power to Nevada, Arizona, and parts of California. Los Angeles would not have been able to grow as large and as quickly had it not been for this. Additionally, the Dam provides the local areas with water. This water is used to irrigate farms that provide 80% of the United States’ winter fruits and vegetables.

The money collected for electricity, water, parking, and tours allows the Hoover Dam to be self-sustained financially. This means that tax dollars are not needed to fund the Dam saving the American taxpayers year after year.
If you are ever in the Nevada area, I do recommend visiting the Hoover Dam. Again, it must be seen to be fully appreciated.
Driving to Flagstaff, Arizona

The remainder of our day consisted of driving to Flagstaff where we will spend the next 2-3 nights. There was a 6-7 mile section of roadwork that delayed us over an hour, but otherwise, the trip down was smooth sailing. Arizona is much greener than I expected. Flagstaff itself is a gorgeous and adorable town. I am glad we arbitrarily picked this location. Tomorrow, we plan to visit the Grand Canyon and drive on the famous Route 66.