I am a carnivore.
For my health, not weight loss.
Although I’m losing size rapidly, I’ve yet to step on the scale.
Because that number does not matter.
It’s all in how you look at life.
I am a carnivore.
Eating this way makes me feel well.
Less joint pain, indigestion, bloating and gas.
Anti-nutrients hurt me more than the nutrients helped.
I am a carnivore.
I feel alive. No more over-drive.
My mind is calm, but sharp and engaged.
Yeah, I guess those healthy fats without carbs does the trick.

Disclaimer: The following is intended as a discussion and exploration of our personal health and our experience with a carnivorous (all meat) way of eating, and is not meant to be taken as medical advice, or to suggest a cure or treatment for any disease or illness. If interested in this practice, please educate yourself thoroughly. Also, seek advice from a qualified holistic or medical professional. We do not accept liability for damage or injury that may allegedly arise from any information or suggestions herein. As with anything, taking yourself to extremes can be very dangerous unless you are well trained and know what you’re doing.
I am a Carnivore
Now six weeks in I consider myself grateful that I stumbled upon this way of eating. Unlike before, I treat my success by eating delicious meats and nourishing my body. In the past, dieting or even dietary lifestyles continually challenged my willpower. Any success resulted in an indulgence. Similarly, any lack of success resulted in further indulgences.
I recognize that the food I ate controlled my life. Chemical- and sugar-laden treats left me addicted and hungry. Sometimes it seemed like no matter how much I ate; I remained hungry. For the most part, I ate healthier options than the average American person, possibly in different quantities. I stopped eating the Standard American Diet over five years ago. My husband has celiac, so our household stays gluten and soy free at all times. Initially, I removed added sugars then shortly after transitioned to a ketogenic, low carb, high fat plan.
Keto worked great initially then the scale stopped and went the other direction (along with my waistline). I found it very frustrating, and I experienced never-ending junk food cravings. Since starting carnivore, cravings have been minimal toward none, and my energy has been incredible. I sleep better than I ever have and wake up refreshed. While I believe everyone should make their own choice, I truly believe that I am a Carnivore.
Incorporating Exercise

For a few years, I worked out consistently 5-6 days per week. I pushed through years of severe back and hip pain, obesity, breathing issues, and inflammation.
About four years ago, I started seeing a chiropractor on a regular basis to work on correcting my back issues. Initially, I fell into the category of people who experience worse pain before it got better; then my body drastically improved. Due to the initial intense pain, I stopped going to the gym. In the long run, despite a drastic improvement, I consistently experienced back and joint pain. Finally, this way of eating resolved much of the remaining pain.
My primary goal is not to hurt myself. After the years I spent being overweight with inflammation and the back injury it remains a concern. I have tight hip flexors, and my neck tilts forward too far, so I am prone to poor form. Starting last week, I began completing stretches multiple times each day. The stretches work to correct my posture and neck tilt while loosening my hip flexors and shoulders. To assist this process, I do specific ab work recommended by a physical therapist. These exercises force the hip flexor not to engage, so I actually hit my abdominals. (Yay! No painful abdominal work for once.) Lastly, I use a TRX Suspension System and working on my first real pull-up.
To Cheese or Not to Cheese… That is the question

Over the past few days, I ate approximately 3oz total of cheese. Up until this point, I decided it was best to leave cheeses out of the mix. I did this despite it being acceptable in this way of eating. Since I decided to start using more ground beef to supplement my ribeyes, the interest in cheese came back.
I added a little bit of cheese over the course of three separate meals. I experienced no noticeable outward adverse reaction until I rechecked my waist measurements. However, I do believe it may have caused a few little cravings and the desire to eat more cheese. On Friday morning, I measured one inch less than the week prior, as of today, Tuesday, that inch reappeared. For now, looks like the cheese will stay at the store.
I expected cheese to be a trigger food. Fortunately, my mindset held me steady, and I did not cave into any less desirable foods. Furthermore, I am pleased that the consumption of cheese did not create any genuinely negative consequence. In theory, I would like to consume it again, in moderation, once I have improved my health.
Moral of the story: Do what works best for you. Find the right routine and food to heal and strengthen your body. You don’t have to be a carnivore, but you should look at what you consume carefully.
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