I went to bed early on New Year’s Eve, ready to Kick Start 2019! Unfortunately, I experienced a rocky end to last year, but I am not looking in the rearview now. To be fair, I enjoyed and accomplished a lot in 2018, but this year I am taking charge for better results.
Kick Start 2019: Set Goals and Prioritize
- Set long-term goals – Turn the steps into short- and medium- term goals and use as actionable steps and milestones
- Do not overwhelm yourself – Set goals that are challenging, but reachable
- Create a schedule that fits and prioritizes your goals and set calendar reminders

I learned a lot in 2018, but, admittedly, did not put enough of what I learned into action. My decision to kick start 2019 started with goal setting. Writing down exactly what I want to achieve long-term which turn into short- and medium-term goals I use as milestones to success.
I wrote down where I am trying to get to in the long run. This first step opened the opportunity more widely in my mind. I realized I do not know every step it will take me to get there right now, but I set a direction to pave my way. From there, I thought about what I know I need to do now and down the road. I prioritized my largest obstacles and set goals for just this month. As time passes and I accomplish tasks along the way, I will update daily and weekly goals that all work toward my monthly and longer-term goals.
I decided to utilize my calendar and scheduling much more this year. With my
Kick Start 2019: Appreciate the Accomplishments
- Recognize your accomplishments – even the small ones – it takes many little accomplishments to build success
- Do not beat yourself up for mistakes, setbacks, and failures
- Take lessons learned from mistakes, setbacks, and failures and move forward
Storage Bed Work In ProgressStorage Bed Work In Progress Storage Bed Work In Progress
Yesterday, on the first day of 2019, I made sure to check off as many boxes as I could for disciplining my new and improved habits. When I thought about doing something, I went and did it without hesitation. I set a plan for the day and took charge of the day savoring the present moment throughout. Nelson and I made significant progress on the bed we are building ourselves. (First-time woodworkers!)
It was much more satisfying to get up and get going on a day that most people waste – spent resting off the late night party from the night before. This mentality seemed to spread to my parents who also had an incredibly productive day working on projects around their house.
For a moment last night when noting goals for today, I got hung up thinking my short list of 3 accomplishments wouldn’t be enough. Then I remembered the importance of not overwhelming myself with more than is within reach. At that moment, I understood that my list should be short so I can focus on providing the best possible results of my efforts. By the time I sat down to write at 9:30 am, I already accomplished more than three tasks and writing this happens to be my last expected goal for the day.
Awareness and Gratitude
Recognizing just how much you did accomplish, rather than focusing on how far away the finish line seems feels far more motivating. As I go forward, I expect to have setbacks and times where I fail. However, I primed my mindset accordingly. I will not beat myself up over mistakes, setbacks, or failures. I will dust myself off, gather my thoughts, reconfigure my course, whatever it takes… and keep going. This year I will be a new me.
I have so much to be grateful for as I kick start 2019!
Kick Start 2019: Stop Accepting Mediocrity
- Demand the best for yourself
- Defy those who do not believe in you, who say the odds are against you, or that you cannot succeed – do not let their projections turn into mental hurdles
- Make forward progress – Be better than you were yesterday

I am fascinated by Stoicism and often read and study about it. The Stoic philosopher, Epictetus, shared this line, which fits what I am trying to say precisely: “How long are you going to wait before you demand the best for yourself?”
Most of us give our best at work and to others, but then have little left in the tank to benefit our lives. In the long run, we burn out and then our best dwindles into mediocrity and exhaustion. I used to be one of those people; I gave my all elsewhere but put little effort in on myself.
Without a doubt, now, I believe the best gift I can provide to the world is being my best self and taking action to improve on that self each day.
I control my actions and reactions and look at what I cannot control as the obstacles I must overcome. With this understanding, I choose to work harder when someone believes I am destined to fail. Many in our society have a victimhood mentality so ingrained in their mind that they believe they and others cannot achieve success. In contrast, those with victimhood mentality project their fears and mental hurdles on you, trying to hold you back.
To kick start 2019, I pledged to myself to expect the best, surround myself with the best so I can learn and grow, while making progress in some fashion every day.
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We’d love to hear how you decided to Kick Start 2019. Share with us in the comments below or email us at emails@dirtywindshield.com.
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