Disclaimer: The following is intended as a discussion and exploration of our personal health and our experience with the carnivore (all meat) diet, and is not meant to be taken as medical advice, or to suggest a cure or treatment for any disease or illness. If you are interested in this practice, please educate yourself thoroughly. Also, seek advice from a qualified holistic or medical professional. We do not accept liability for damage or injury that may allegedly arise from any information or suggestions herein. As with anything, taking yourself to extremes can be very dangerous unless you are well trained and know what you’re doing.

The decision to try a carnivore diet felt quick, but based on our experiences over the past few years we knew we had to try. For me, the dietary regime appeals to me primarily for the healing benefits. The side benefit of potential weight loss or at least balancing doesn’t hurt. As a couple, my husband and I agreed to limit variety as much as possible to seek the greater benefit of re-introducing food slowly. We believe by adding foods one at a time we can to determine if we react negatively.
The First Meat Week

In theory, I’ve surpassed the biggest hurdle in my 30-day commitment to an all meat diet, the first week. Overall, I feel content and satiated with no real desire to eat other food. However, I’ll admit the severe withdrawal migraine (caffeine and carbohydrates/sugar) I had between days 2 and 5 sucked. Fortunately, I expected them completely.

Before starting, I set my mind on the goal, more so than my husband. Coming off of carbohydrates, for him, proved more difficult with his temper, but he didn’t experience headaches. Each experience varies, I suppose. Overall, the calmness in my body eased the process. I reached full nutritional ketosis by the third day. I determined this using Precision Xtra Blood Glucose and Blood Ketones Strips. My husband lagged behind a day, I believe due to the difference in his meals.
What We Ate – Bring on the Meat
I left out the amounts purposefully, you must eat as much as your body requires. My understanding of the plan includes meat, meat products, eggs and dairy, and water. Currently, the only dairy we consume is grass-fed imported butter. We are following the mantra: Eat when you feel like it until you are full.
Female, 33
Each day I ate:
- Grass-fed beef
- Ribeyes – 5 days
- Ground Beef – 2 days
- Organic Uncured Bacon
- Grass-fed Imported Butter
- Water
Occasionally had:
- Organic Pasture-Raised Large Brown Eggs
- Coffee (with butter)
Male, 43
Most/all days consumed:
- Wild sockeye salmon
- Organic Uncured Bacon
- Grass-fed Imported Butter
- Juice of Lemon
- Juice of Lime
- Coffee (with Butter)
- Water
Limited consumption of:
- Grass-fed beef
- Ribeyes
- Ground Beef
- Sauteed Spinach (first few days only)
Results (so far)
More than pleased with the results. I assume much of this to be water and bloat that left the body in the absence of carbohydrates. We do not track at all by scale, which, for me, puts the mind at ease. While the body heals, weight becomes irrelevant.
Besides the previously mentioned migraines, I experienced tiredness/fatigue in the first few days. By day 5, my experience changed to high energy throughout the majority of the day. I noticed I did become tired in the late afternoon a few of the days. A short 30-minute nap sufficed to re-energize me.
My husband, although agreeing to the plan, lacked enthusiasm for giving up carbs. To be expected. In general, some short tempered-ness and cravings. His energy levels roughly mimicked mine, maybe a day behind on the energy burst. Over the past couple of days, much of his cravings seemed to have subsided.
Physical Measurements
female, 33 | 7/9/18 | 7/16/18 | gain/loss inches |
Waist at BB | 50 | 47.5 | -2.5 |
Hips | 45 | 43 | -2 |
Bicep | 14 | 12 | -2 |
Forearm | 11 | 11 | 0 |
Neck | 17.75 | 16.5 | -1.25 |
Thigh | 26 | 24 | -2 |
Calf | 16 | 15.5 | -0.5 |
Chest | 42 | 39 | -3 |
Total | -13.25 |
male, 43 | 7/9/18 | 7/16/18 | gain/loss inches |
Waist at BB | 46.25 | 44 | -2.25 |
Hips | 41.75 | 41.25 | -0.5 |
Bicep | 15 | 14 | -1 |
Forearm | 13 | 12.5 | -0.5 |
Neck | 17 | 16.625 | -0.375 |
Thigh | 25.75 | 24 | -1.75 |
Calf | 17 | 16.5 | -0.5 |
Chest | 46 | 46 | 0 |
Total | -6.875 |
Although the decision to severely restrict my food choice was difficult, I understood this: You can’t expect some person, pill, or product to fix your health with no further effort or input from you.
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