Throughout my weight loss journey, I’ve kept a mindset focused on wellness rather than weight or size. Diets did not work for me, so I knew I needed a more holistic approach.
The following is intended as a discussion and exploration of our personal health and our experience with a carnivorous way of eating and is not meant to be taken as medical advice or to suggest a cure or treatment for any disease or illness. The positive benefits listed are not guaranteed and should not be expected. This is an n=1 experiment. All bodyweight exercises discussion is for informational purposes only. If interested in this practice, please educate yourself thoroughly. Also, seek advice from a qualified holistic or medical professional. We do not accept liability for damage or injury that may allegedly arise from any information or suggestions herein. As with anything, taking yourself to extremes can be very dangerous unless you are well trained and know what you’re doing.
Dieting – A Common Mindset
I haven’t experienced weight loss like I am on carnivore since I was 21 years old. At that time, I followed a weight loss points program. Ultimately, using calorie restriction and focusing on zero point items whenever possible instead of food that made me feel well. The program allowed me to save up points for large dinners and desserts. Indulgences that I followed with late night cardio sessions and minimal sleep.
I abused my body with food and exercise until I received compliments on my weight loss then dropped the diet. At the time, I only cared about how I looked and the number displaying on my scale. A habit that stuck with me for over a decade.
Crazy Diets and Erratic Exercise Took Its Toll
Over the next few years, my weight slowly began to creep up. At 24, I started to follow a low-fat diet filled with conventional chicken, bison (cheap back then), and lots of veggies. During this period, I purchased an at-home workout DVD program and worked out daily. Initially, I slowly lost weight. Then after a few weeks of progress, I rapidly gained 50 pounds over the course of two weeks. It felt completely unexplained.
Due to this and other issues with my monthly cycle, I decided to check with my doctor and an OB/GYN resulting in the PCOS diagnosis.
Ever since, weight-loss has been incredibly hard and filled with ups and downs more extreme than any roller coaster on Earth. Over the years, my weight fluctuated between 284 and 203, most commonly sticking around 265.

At my peak weight (284) in January of 2012, my mother and I joined a gym and signed up for personal training together. We followed a low-fat nutrition plan provided to us. One evening late in February as a treat, I had ribs at a local restaurant. Very delicious, fatty ribs. I woke up later that night to a painful gallbladder attack. During my hospital admission, the gastroenterologist advised me that I have a fatty liver, while a surgeon recommended removing my gallbladder. After four days waiting for an opening, my gallbladder got removed.
Since the gallbladder stores bile which aids in fat digestion, I continued to pursue primarily low-fat options and began supplementing with some different brands of “high-end” protein shakes you see people hustling on social media.
Looking To Fat for Hormonal Health

After messing with overpriced meal replacements, I began researching LCHF diets with the popularity of the Paleo diet at the time (2013). I found success temporarily with Paleo. Between consistent workouts six days a week for up to 3 hours per day. I went from my original 284 pounds down to 203 by January 2013. The last 50 or so came from the switch to Paleo.
Then, like a light switch, Paleo stopped working, and my weight began to increase. With no change to diet or exercise, I slowly crept up to 226 throughout 2013 then eventually back up to 265 more than once since.
By the end of 2013, I would feel a drunk-like feeling after eating fruits. After several doctors visits, they confirmed I suffered from a candida overgrowth and pre-cancerous cells in all four quadrants of my cervix. I decided I needed to change my life and that taking multiple medications wouldn’t work for me. I researched and studied everything I could about my variety of issues. Sugar and carbs showed themselves to be a common denominator.
On January 1, 2014, I quit all forms of sugar, including fruit, starches, and most veggies, for 30 days and began eating all organic. After this, I transitioned to Bulletproof and keto. Finally with keto and the increased butter intake I was able to normalize my periods and get off all of my medications.
Still, the weight loss was never consistent. Cheating was frequent due to constant cravings (and maybe being settled down as well).
Experimenting with Water Fasting
In late 2017, I experimented with water fasting which did change my perspective on food quite a bit and allowed me to separate myself from my misunderstanding of hunger. At the beginning of the Dirty Windshield 2017 Road Trip, I decided that when we returned home, I would start the water fast. So I took the time to research everything I could about water fasting during the two-week trip. By the time I arrived home, I had a fasting-ready mindset.
By the end, the weight loss was no longer of importance, nor how I looked. Success became about how I felt. This change in mindset has allowed me to get to the next stage in my weight loss journey where I am now able to find consistent weight loss through healthy eating without suffering ever. I never feel like I’m missing out on anything and I think the food I eat is delicious.
It turns out when you consume nothing but water for 12 days it puts things into perspective.
Due to my clear mindset, I found the water fast incredibly easy. I never felt hungry at any point. To be honest, I only started eating again after 12 days because my husband thought I should. He tried a weekend fast and struggled to the point where he quit the second day.
Mindset is everything!
Losing Hope
After a couple of months, winter started, and we ended up going on a sugar bender. We ate a lot of snacks and treats; things that we hadn’t eaten in years. Our chocolate chip cookie budget went temporarily insane. This was mostly weekend thing but often lead to midweek snacks that were not as sugary but still not healthy.
We both knew we didn’t want to keep eating this way. But, the cravings were too intense, and our willpower had become too weak.
Eventually, I was able to gain enough willpower to try another short fast. For this fast, I completed 48 hours no food or water followed by 24 hours of water only. My refeed included pureed vegetable soups.
When I resumed eating I did include some meat products, but I drastically increased my veggie intake. Quickly, I started to experience deep feelings of depression and anxiety mixed with a lot of joint pain gas and bloating. It was strange. I was gaining size just by eating vegetables, and I was barely eating anything because it was making me feel so sick.
Going Carnivore
When I stumbled upon the carnivore diet, it was great timing. I was feeling very symptomatic and eager just to feel well regardless of how my body looked. Finding fantastic life changing stories resulting from the carnivore way of eating is incredibly easy. After hearing and reading from so many others sharing their experience, I committed to a 30-day attempt. All along keeping the intention of staying on as long as possible.
Three days later after finishing the just-bought groceries, I began this journey, and I haven’t looked back since. That was on July 9, 2018, in case you were wondering.
Now, I love the way I feel. I can feel and visibly see my body shrinking, and I find that I appreciate the process. Each day, I make progress and learn more about what my body needs from me. I feel like a new person rising from the ashes ready to spread my wings.
Numbers Don’t Matter
To this day, I don’t worry about numbers on the scale or even my measuring tape. Honestly, it’s liberating. I accept that our bodies fluctuate and the chances of weighing yourself at the right time are low. Weighing yourself causes stress resulting in cortisol which takes away from weight loss. Also, if you’re like me and easily suffer from adrenal fatigue the effects of using a scale are more severe and long-lasting.
Gratitude Mindset
Nearly four months in, my mindset remains set. I consume to be the optimal version of myself, and I am grateful every day for the meat healing my body. Additionally, I recognize, acknowledge, and celebrate my incremental successes and progress. The carnivore way of eating tests my self-control and temperance. I seek body pleasing meat instead of tongue-pleasing foods. The food I eat assimilates to my body resulting in proper digestion.
When I started eating this way it was for the right reasons. I did this to repair and heal my body. Those foods some believe they can’t live without, negatively impacted my body enough where the thought of eating them now makes me cringe.
My mindset dictates that eating the best quality food will improve and potentially extend my life. For me, meat does the trick. Absolutely grateful.

Have you improved your mindset? Share with us!
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