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Be More Productive and Beat Procrastination

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Approx. Reading Time: 3 minutes

Do you want to be more productive and overcome procrastination? This week, I share several of my tips on how to quickly increase productivity and focus on what matters to you.

Top Tips to be More Productive

  1. Create a list of everything that you need to accomplish
  2. Prioritize each task
    1. Consider any deadlines or time constraints
    2. Note time estimates
    3. Consider prerequisite tasks – does one need to be done before another
  3. When possible, complete the things that you least enjoy first – or work hardest to easiest
  4. Tell someone who will keep you accountable about significant goals so that they will ask you about its completion
  5. Set a punishment for not completing tasks or hitting targets
  6. Do NOT multi-task – Focus on one task at a time which allows for deep work and faster completion times
  7. Say “No” to things you do not want to do or that detract from achieving what you need to get done
  8. Let people help you – outsource tasks – whether they are time suckers or things you don’t do well
  9. Alternatively, automate tasks, especially the repetitive ones

Don’t Work Too Hard

Too many of us give our all at work and school, then waste our free time. Unless your efforts at work or school directly benefit your life goals, you should consider scaling back the energy dedicated in those areas. Many of us work ourselves to the bone toward accomplishments that help others. However, when it comes to our life, we make excuses, procrastinate, and put things off until we have extra energy. And, to be honest, that extra energy rarely arrives.

Give yourself a break.

When well-rested, it is easy to be more productive. Also, perfectionism leads to procrastination, even though in most cases, done is better than perfect. We get a lot more done when we focus on what matters, what we excel at, and allow ourselves time to rest and reflect. No one can output at 100% productivity 100% of the time.

Be More Productive Q & A

To be more productive, we must focus on what truly matters to us. Every one of us holds different goals and passions. But when it comes to making progress and breaking away from procrastination, certain things always remain true.

Why am I lazy at home and more productive at work, even if the job doesn’t make me tired?

To answer why – you have not set specific personal goals. Thus, your subconscious mind has no motivation to stimulate action. Also, without particular goals, you have no milestones in mind to achieve – no steps to take. The rewards for individual efforts at home tend to be less evident and noticeable only in the long-term.

At work, you know what needs to get done and by when. Your job pays you regularly. This specific and guaranteed outcome appeals to you enough to devote your time and energy significantly – with nearly zero effort.

What is “Deep Work”?

“Deep work” is focusing efforts on one task without distraction which allows you to be more productive for a strict, but limited period of time. During “deep work,” set a timer for short break periods and eliminate all distractions. Put the phone away, block social media sites, or even shut off the WiFi altogether. Set a plan for what needs to get done and do it.

How does saying “No” allow me to be more productive?

Declining non-essential tasks and plans quickly frees up time in our calendar. In today’s society, people-pleasing tendencies cause us to say “yes” to many things we don’t really want or need to do. If saying “yes” yields little to no results, then why agree to it. Now, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have fun or take time to go on adventures that bring you relaxation or joy, but unless you can see a direct benefit, you should politely decline. Never obligate yourself to more than necessary as eventually, you will burn out. As a simple rule, never say “yes” out of guilt or to people-please.

DirtyWindshield Wants To Hear From You!

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