Passive-aggressive behavior, a modern-day disease on society, sucks joy and happiness from both the individual and those with which they come in contact.
A Passive-Aggressive Epidemic
I know many people who live their entire life, pushing passive-aggressive behaviors off onto others. And, I’ll admit, at times, I acted in a passive-aggressive manner. More commonly, however, I say precisely what I think the person I feel needs to hear it.
Whether I am in right or wrong in my evaluation and words matters less. What matters is that I spoke up and confronted the issue straight on rather than leaving it to fester long-term.
With this in mind, you can never expect to change a passive-aggressive person as you only control your contact with them and how you react to their behavior. However, you hold the power to change your practices.
Passive-Aggressive Behaviors
Recognizing the faults is key to making a
- Playing dumb, innocent, confused, ignorant, or the victim
- Avoiding straight answers
- Omitting information
- Distorting truth
- Communicating in a deliberately vague manner
- Making excuses that rationalize or minimize wrong-doing
- Shaming or guilt-tripping those who call you out
Transitioning Away from Passive-Aggressive Behavior
Aggressive or confrontational people get what they want in life. By asking direct questions and only accepting immediate answers, confrontational people get further in every situation or figure out which people are wasting their time
Be honest and straight-forward. It doesn’t get more simple than that. In the long run, honesty benefits every situation and eliminates excess non-productive efforts in life.
To sum up, you are the captain of your ship. So, take the helm and progress forward, going after exactly what you want.

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Captain Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay