Each and every one of us decides where we spend our money. In my lifetime, I’ve witnessed many people who hold the belief that they cannot afford to shop local. This belief developed virtually unnoticed through advertising and entertainment. The subtle messages we received resulted in more and more money flowing to fewer and fewer companies.
For many, the decision to buy name brands from large companies to save a few dollars became an unconscious habit. Coupon collectors, sales flyer dependent savings preppers, and sale addicts don’t realize the cost of their practices. Obesity, debt/financial insecurity, clutter, waste – the list could go on.
False Sense of Convenience
At big box stores, the major label products stay readily available and affordable. You access a large variety of options with flashy deals and plenty of marketing all in one spot. These stores offer convenient parking and often groups of retailers in one location. A trip in for one or two items and you leave having spent hundreds with a full cart. And, somehow, you believe you saved a ton because of the sale.

Celebrities and athletes endorse their products while the masses work their asses off to keep up with following the latest trends. A new model comes out, and people wait in line to be the first to buy. Then, they wonder why their wallet is light despite working so much and not having a life.
The companies offer cheaply made products that are meant to be disposable. The fault doesn’t lie on the big companies. They offer what we flock to because we were told so in the advertisement.
Initially, we saved money on the first purchase over the local or custom made item. However, we spend more on additional purchases and replacements in the long run. Meanwhile, we shipped our money out of state and likely overseas. Money that could have been spent creating wealth in our community.
No More Excuses It’s Time to Shop Local
Each community provides different offerings. The goal is to consume as many needed products and services as possible from the closest potential source. For some purchases, a large retailer may be the only option, but each transaction makes a difference.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
- When dining out, choose local restaurants over chains. For a more significant impact, utilize farm-to-table fresh style restaurants. Local farms greatly appreciate it.
- Choose farmer’s markets, local farms, or small-scale supermarkets for meat, dairy, produce, and health goods. Often, local businesses work with one another to offer convenience at a smaller scale.
- During the holidays, forget Black Friday lines and choose Small Business Saturday. Be happy when you see lines in a small business that means this is working!
- Bank locally. Big banks offer national convenience but lack customer service and fees. Locally owned banks and credit unions generally offer better rates on the same services major banks provide.
- Choose a local mechanic over dealerships and chains. Labor rates tend to be lower, and the owner relies on providing quality services to stay in business.
- Utilize local businesses for all services. From haircuts to dog walking and handymen to lawn care, you can find unique offerings everywhere.
- Support local artists and artisans. Consider it an opportunity to buy custom or one of a kind furniture and decor.
Shop Local To Benefit Your Community
No matter how great your community is, it could always improve or expand. When we shop local, so many great things start to happen.
More money gets re-invested in the local economy. As a result, new local jobs open allowing for shorter commutes and more free time. Over time, more choices become available as entrepreneurs take notice. Success inspires in that way!
When we shop local, we spend more time in our area which benefits the environment and saves on taxes paid on infrastructure. Also, we embrace and find gratitude in the things that make our community special and unique.
Purchasing commissioned work from artists and artisans allows them to stay in their craft and reach mastery level. So that early work you purchased might increase in value!
After all of this, you meet amazing people who also want the best for the hometown. Genuine people who want to build positive relationships with their customers. Who knows? In a little while, your town could end up as a go-to hot spot!
Talk to Us!
We’d love to hear your perspective on this post. Do you have another reason why we should all shop local? If so, share with us in the comments below or email us at emails@dirtywindshield.com.
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